\”Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty\” (2023) is a Telugu romantic comedy film that gained popularity for its engaging storyline and dynamic performances. The Hindi-dubbed version of the film maintains the charm of the original, featuring Nithin and Anushka Shetty in lead roles. The story revolves around a quirky, independent woman, Miss Shetty, and a charming, albeit unconventional man, Mr Polishetty. Their contrasting personalities lead to humorous situations and unexpected chemistry.
Miss Shetty is a successful chef with a clear vision for her life, while Mr Polishetty is a free-spirited individual with a more laid-back approach. The film explores themes of love, ambition, and personal growth, delivering both laughs and emotional moments. As Miss Shetty and Mr Polishetty\’s paths cross, their evolving relationship challenges their preconceived notions and adds depth to their characters.
The Hindi-dubbed version captures the essence of the original film, allowing a broader audience to enjoy the light-hearted yet meaningful narrative. With strong performances, witty dialogue, and a captivating storyline, \”Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty\” offers an entertaining watch that resonates with viewers seeking a blend of romance and comedy.